Is this any good? Should I finish it?

The way he said my name

He looks up at you. His chocolatey brown eyes glistening in the sunlight. He says your name, never breaking eye contact. You maintain eye contact as he bites his lower lip and looks down at your lips. He leans in and you can feel his breath on your lips. He kisses you. Slowly... he inserts his tongue and sucks lightly on your bottom lip , then biting it. He kisses you again, this time circling his tongue around yours and lightly sucking it. He moves down to your neck and leaves wet kisses. A small moan escapes your lips. He sucks on your neck lightly. You’re breathing hard at this point and moan his name. He goes back to your lips and slightly misma into your mouth. Now he’s breathing hard. You start to kiss his jaw down to his neck. His eyes close as he sighs with pleasure. He whisper moans your name. You can feel yourself getting wet. You want him so bad. You love it when he moans. You love pleasuring him and the beautiful faces of pleasure that he makes. He calls you by your name and moves your head up towards his and he kisses you. Hard this time as he presses his body up against you. You can feel his bulge pressed up against you which causes you to gasp. He smirks and kisses you again and bites your lip harder than the last time. He lays you on the bed and continues kissing you. He starts to remove your top slowly...

He stares down at your body. Taking it all in. He traces your curves with his fingertips and tells you how beautiful your body is. He removes your bra and lightly squeezes your breasts as he kisses your lips. His tongue traces your breasts. He then starts to slightly nibble on your nipples. At firsts he licks but then starts to suck on them. He sucks harder and harder... He does the same to your other breast. Now your hand is tangled up in his hair. You’re loving every second of it. Another moan escapes your can’t take it anymore you need him. He moves down to your stomach leaving a trail of kisses leading to your pussy. He removes your pants and then removes your panties with his teeth.You’re so wet babygirl, he says. He teases you by kissing your thighs going up to your knees and making his way down again. You can feel his cold breathe up against your pussy. He kisses the outside and runs his tongue around it. You tilt your head back and let out a moan. Baby I can’t take it anymore. I need you... I want you. You say. He starts to eat you out. Making circular motions around your clit and lightly sucking on it.

Sorry this isn’t so great. It’s my first time writing something like this and I’m unexperienced so...