Baby won’t sleep without me

Jes • 🤱🏼

Someone help pleaaaseeee

So last Tuesday my son turned six months old. The day before I went back to work. Every night after work he has been suuuper tired which I figured was bc he never naps even when I was home with him and he also woke up earlier for me to go to work. He was so fussy and clingy like I couldn’t put him down to go pee unless my husband was there with him I figured this was just bc he was super tired and maybe it was.

But this weekend I was home with him and Saturday night and last night he would not sleep in his bassinet like he normally does. He would wake up every hour crying his eyes out unless he slept with me. I really try not to cosleep but if I didn’t lay him with me he’d be crying all night. He normally would wake up about every 3 hours to nurse and then go back to sleep but now it’s like he can’t be away from me.

Anyone have any idea why he’s doing this these past 2 nights? Any suggestions what I can do??