Just throwing this out there..

Ashleigh • Engaged to my best friend and soldier. We have a 5 year old son, and currently ttc our second ❤️
I've been seeing this literally everywhere, and although I'm sure someone's gonna have something to say about this, I'm throwing it out there anyway. Cm isn't a very good indicator towards pregnancy. Sure the EWCM means you're in your fertile window and ovulating. But there's not a special cm to determine an early pregnancy stage as everybody's body is different. After your fertile window, some women have a dry spell as others have watery cm or creamy cm. One woman may have less or more cm, and a different kind as the next woman, but they could both indeed be pregnant. Just saying. If you think you're pregnant you need to take a hpt with fmu or ask your doctor for a blood test for an even more accurate result. As your fertile week comes to an end, and you enter that horrible TWW it's not good to symptom spot every little thing as pregnancy symptoms and pms symptoms are VERY similar.. 
While I'm at it, stop testing so early! Number 1, you're wasting a lot of money on tests, because you're constantly wanting to test and see that second line or positive sign. (Look on Amazon for tests. I get test strips for $13.99, that includes 60 opks and 30 hpts). Number 2, you're getting your hopes up when it's going to be a false negative even if you are pregnant because of how soon you're testing. Your egg implants the earliest at day 7 (7 dpo), which still may be too early to test and get that positive. Save the trouble and wait until you're at least 9 dpo to start testing as you'll have a better chance of getting a positive. It all depends on the level of hcg in your body as to how early you get that positive! 
Keep trying ladies and don't get discouraged. If you're currently ttc, I'm giving each and every one of you baby dust! And if you're already pregnant, then congratulations and I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months 😊✨