Unattractive-Yet-Attractive Celebrities

Hello ladies! And welcome to another segment of “Celebrities I’m Attracted to That I Really Shouldn’t Be”! This is for all you people out there, who like me, always seem to look past the handsome young leading actors and fall in love with someone else 😂

Lets start with the obvious Jeff Goldblum. Maybe it’s that turtleneck, maybe it’s the fact that he just released a jazz piano album. (It’s probably that one scene in Jurassic Park, you know which one). Whatever it is, Jeff’s the handsomest/quirkiest icon who gives off a super chill yet chaotic vibe and I will never not be attracted to him.

David Bowie, specifically at Jareth the Goblin King. You all know you’re attracted as well, don’t try to hide it. Is it the pants? The hair? The eyes? The ballroom scene? The answer is yes, all of the above.

Sam Elliott as he is now.

Love the tall skinny frame, the mustache, and his overall gruff-yet-lovable demeanor. And his voice. Definitely his voice.

Benicio del Toro in that one Heineken Christmas commercial. He thought the best gift was beer, but the real gift was how cute he was in this commercial.

The snatcher in one of the last Harry Potter movies. Doesn’t make any sense to me either, so don’t bother asking questions. All I know is my heart was snatched the first time he spoke.

Val Kilmer SPECIFICALLY as Doc Holliday in Tombstone. Even if he is pale and sweaty and dying of Tuberculosis. With that southern drawl and too-cool-to-care vibe, I’d be his huckleberry any day. Bonus points- the long trench coat and hat. Love a guy who knows how to accessorize (lookin’ back at you too, Bowie)

And that concludes this segment, post yours below!