Expressing yourself


Me and my boyfriend have been dating for nearly three months now and it’s been a LDR from the start. Everything is good we text and FaceTime a lot since we hardly see each other but just recently he was acting down and said to me “I just feel like the way you express yourself on text about us isn't the same on FaceTime I know it's stupid how I feel”. It made me upset that he felt that way but it’s just hard for me to express myself and my feelings all the time because I’m not used to that and still feels very new to me. Sometimes i also just want to save things i want to say to him for when we see each other in person so i can express my self while we embrace each other. Texting is way easier to talk on but just because I don’t say as much on FaceTime than text doesn’t mean I don’t feel the same towards him because my feelings for him are so strong and I mean everything i say on text. And he says when we see each other in person everything’s good but he just wants more on FaceTime. So I wanna try harder and open up more because its the least he deserves and I just want to better our relationship. I guess I’m just asking for advice or opinions on how you ladies make your LDR work better and does anyone else go through problems like this or similar in their LDR? 💖