May sound kind of stupid but, what you think?

So I had an intense, couple month long, pregnancy scare awhile back which caused me to get the Nexplanon implant.

So now that anxiety slowly started creeping back. I had 10 negative HPTs and a negative blood test and a transvaginal ultrasound at (what would've been) 18 weeks if I was. Obviously I wasn't cause the cooch was as empty as a basket

HOORAY (for me anyways, I apologize if you're TTC and that was insensitive. baby dust to you)

And now I'm like skeptical cause idk if these weird symptoms are from the implant or from... ya know.

I took a digital HPT from a pharmacy nearby which came out negative, duh. I don't get periods on the Nexplanon which is part of the skepticism cause it's never happened to me before.

Should I test again in a week or am I fine?

Symptoms are

A little sore boobs

Increase in discharge


Back pain