I feel like a failure

I need help. And I need to vent...I’m not going to actually runaway but my god do I feel like it sometimes. I get so mad when I hear how moms of a singletons are having a hard time when meanwhile I’m over here with two fucking babies and CONSTANTLY think how much easier it would be with just one baby. I feel instantly guilty afterwards each time but that doesn’t stop it from entering my mind. They’re teething right now and it’s just constant crying from both. They both want to be held and by the evening I’m DONE being touched. By anyone. I just want to be left the fuck alone. God forbid if I don’t pick them up though they will be trying to climb up on me and tugging and pinching. I use Tylenol and orajel and it helps sometimes. I just love my boys so much and I feel so guilty by the end of the day that I’m not doing enough. Like maybe I didn’t hold one of them enough that day or give one enough attention. I snap and yell. I’m trying my best here and I feel like I’m failing. Everyone always said when I was pregnant “I wouldn’t have been blessed with twins if I couldn’t handle it” well I fucking can’t sometimes. This is so hard. I just can’t stop crying sometimes I don’t know what to do.