Infected C Section

Gabby • MOMMY & GIRLFRIEND 💍👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

I had my son Septembter 12th and I had to have a c section because he was breech. He's almost 4 weeks old. My incision was healing really food up until 2-3 days ago. It started itching soooo bad, like a deep itch. One I couldn't scratch 😥 I scratched it a little bit then rubbed it to try and help the itching. It did it on both outtrt parts. Well stuff started coming out of it, like infection and a little blood. My 6 week check up isn't until the 23rd but I called the office and they had me cone in today. He looked at it and said it looked good and just looks like I've scratched it. Well I'm like 100% sure it's infected. It's do sore, I can hardly stand up straight and sometimes it feels like it tears. I think it may have been caused by my underwear and my pants cause it's rubbed against it. He said I could use hydrocortisone cream on it, but I don't really wanna put anything on it. Any advice? I'm tired of being sore 😣 UPDATE: Here's a picture, the side that is worse is the left side and the other is the right side.