

Ladies I need help or advice. I have a two month old. She puts herself to sleep during the day easily. We always have her nap in her crib, swaddled and white noise, but with the room bright. She gets laid down awake but sleepy (we wait for the second yawn) and will typically only cry once or twice (paci falls out and we give it back) before falling asleep. But when it comes to night time, she will not go to sleep! She typically is ready for bed around 7-8:30. We have a bedtime routine (since around 3 weeks old). Bath every other night, top off bottle, swaddled and then laid down. She will go to sleep for MAYBE 30-1 hour. Just depends really. Then she wakes up. She screams for about 20-30 minutes. We rock her, bounce, try another bottle, gas drops, gripe water. Everything. She will calm down after 10-15 minutes while we rock her or whatever. Then when we lay her down she screams again. She screams everytime we lay her down at night. Whether she’s awake or sleeping. After fighting her for 2-3 hours she will sleep but for like 3 hours. If that. She sleeps so good during the day, gets plenty of awake time for her age. I’m at a loss and don’t know what’s wrong what what I’ve been doing wrong.