My daughter tried to poop on me in the tub..


So tonight I was taking a bath with my 3 month old daughter... My husband comes in like always to get her out of the tub to get her dressed for bed so I can finish washing up.. So as I hand her up to him I notice she is starting her 'poop face' ... I then see it she is trying to poop! (at this moment I am glad she is out of the tub) hubby is wrapping her in a towel so I tell him 'babe our daughter needs to use the toilet' and get out behind her. Dad sits her tiny 3 month old body over the toilet and she finishes her poop and gets all wiped up.. Haha her toothless grin when I gushed and told her what a smart big girl she was and she made her first potty in a big girl toilet. Of course she isnt potty trained but she wouldnt stop beaming smiles. I really love her and of course we had to celebrate with a bottle and a little time in our rocker... Almost wish I had taken a video or a photo to show her later in life annd be that parent that has that one awkward embarrassing photo for their child to dread seeing in the baby book but I didn't.