It's so cold

Ok so it's like 86 degrees outside right now and I'm freezing! Omg I don't think I'm getting sick it's crazy. My body temperature is going crazy. Anyone experiencing being cold all the time? Why is this happening? I'm 7 weeks today and experiencing crazy symtoms!!
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I'm 7 weeks 5 days and have been having hot cold flashes I assume it's the change in hormones but you're not alone it's 80-90 where I live and I wore a long sleeve yesterday 😱


Mary • Aug 7, 2015
Sounds like me! Sweatshirts and blankets. I've always kept a blanket in the car because DH prefers it much cooler than I do so part of the compromise is me using a blanket. I've been doing that more inside with this pregnancy. 8 weeks today.


Posted at
I've been quite cold this pregnancy too, and it's NOT cold here! I don't remember this with my others, wondering if maybe it's a symptom of a different gender! 


Amanda • Aug 7, 2015
What is the gender of your other child?


Posted at
Change in hormones but I asked my dr and he quickly did blood tests and saw I am now anemic. So quick!!!! Like at 8 weeks pregnant. So make sure you mention that you'd like to have that checked on. He put me on rx prenatals with a high iron content.


Posted at
Omg I thought I was the only one!


Posted at
Yes!! I'm totally getting this symptom. I feel like my body can't regulate it's temp. I'm usually always hot... like 9 times out of 10 I'm hot... not lately. I'm shivering and looking for a sweater to wear at work all the time.