Pregnant? Just recently stopped birth control

I have been on birth control since I was 16 and I’m now 22. I was on the depo for 3 years I had iud for 1 year then nexplanon for 2 and a half years. I got nexplanon removed August 19 and had break through bleeding for two days then started my period two weeks later. I was on a combo pill for 3 weeks once I got nexplanon removed then they switched me to the mini pill and I took that for only a week and a half until I realized that me and my boyfriend of 5 years actually want to have a child. So the clear blue digital told me I ovulated almost 2 weeks ago with my peaks being on September 28-29. Of course we did the do almost every day that week including on my peak days. I’ve been cramping off and on for a week and I usually do not cramp before I start af. Could I be pregnant since I did ovulate even though I just stopped birth control? I’m 11 dpo