Could i be pregnant?

Okay so let me start this out with that I know I am being a little overly anxious, I just feel off and no matter what I look up it seems like that's the main thing that comes up. The last time I had sex was the day before my period started (7day period)and it was with a condom(and it didn't break). My cycle is usually like 32 days and it has always been a little eratic but this month it's been weird. I had ovulation spotting for the first time in my life (I recently started eating healthier and exercising, which I've been told can cause you to ovulate if you haven't before) which is what started this anxiety, since I immediately thought of implantation spotting. I know I most likely just ovulated but it just scared the fuck out of me. I've been constipated, getting headaches, and my throat has been killing me. I have 11 days till my period and I am so stressed over this stupid stuff that I know it'll probably be late. I know I'm most likely just sick, but it'd be nice to hear other people's opinions. Thanks.