pregnant after a tubal


I had my tubes banded almost 12 years ago. I've always wanted another baby and I didn't have a choice in the matter when it happened. I have 3 kids 15, 13 and 12, I just recently got married on April of 2017 and the last 4yrs I have wanted another baby really bad. well after getting married I have wanted one even more so, I have done some research and it is possible for your body to heal itself and the risk for pregnancy increases after 5yrs. I have had some days in between periods that I have had mild cramping and other weird pregnancy symptoms but never prego. I read all of these posts on the symptoms and I would love for God to just let it happen one more time without doing any thing costly to help it along. I've had dreams and so has my husband of us having a baby. I wonder how common it is for a woman to conceive after having a tubal done. anyone ever hear of anything like this?