Happy For Others But Sad For Myself

Looking for support from others who may have been trying for a while to conceive. I personally feel alone as my friends either have children or aren’t actively trying to get pregnant. It’s a very frustrating experience seeing negative after negative. I am starting to get resentful. It’s annoying how some people sneeze and they get pregnant. Recently a few close friends shared they were expecting. While I am happy for them I am upset for myself. I feel like my body is betraying me and the rest of the world is in on it since everyone and thing around me is pregnant. Long story short I am ready to throw away my ovulation kits. I know deep down nothing happens before it’s time; I just wish my heart would follow this line of thinking. Anyone else feeling or felt this way in the past? What are some ways you were able to cope? If you gave up tcc what helped you move past feeling cheated? If you haven’t given up where did you find the strength to keep going?