Timed intercourse with Femara and Clomid


Hubby and I have been TTC#1 for about 2 years and nothing has happened. On 9/14 I had my first appointment with the fertility doctor and found out I have PCOS and have been hoarding my eggs. We started Femara for 5 days at 2.5 but my follicles weren’t really responding, did another 5 days of Femara at 7.5 and still nothing. Finally did another Femara at 7.5 with Clomid on top of it and my dominant follicle was finally at 17 on 10/5. They had me and the hubby scheduled to BD all weekend and do our trigger shot on 10/6. We were so happy that the meds finally worked but we weren’t able to BD like they wanted us to since hubby has severe anxiety and the meds he takes kind of limits how often he can actually ejaculate.

Has anyone else had this problem with the timed intercourse? Do you think there is a possibility that it could’ve worked? We have another appointment on 10/23 for blood work to see if it happened for us.