Enlarged Ventricles..question time! 👶


It just seems so odd to be " hey these are your results and technically it's normal, but we are going to do genetics and more ultrasounds"

...So I had my anatomy scan for my wee baby(21weeks) the next day I received a call about the results. My baby's brain Ventricles were enlarged and they labelled it at an "8". My Midwife, OB and Google (good 'ol Google eh!) all indicate this is in the "normal" range, and concern will arise past a "10" ... So now I'm more concerned at why I need more testing, ultrasounds and possibly go to a bigger hospital (4 hours away!) *If* the next ultrasound isn't favorable. So what I'm wondering is... is there possibly something they aren't telling me so I don't worry.. or is this honestly just them wanting to double check their scan regardless if my numbers are still in the "normal" range.

..also and kinda random, but is it now the norm to get a "probable" gender result so If they are wrong no one's at fault? Or is it best to double check? Shanks mama's! 🤗