Trying for baby #2


Okay so I’ve always had irregular periods like right off the bat they’ve never been regular I could go months without having a period and them bam get one out of no where. Well then I got pregnant with my son and after I had him I just stopped having periods completely! The only time I have my period is when I’m on my birth control which is the patch. And I’m not the greatest at filling it when I’m on my last patch. My last period was September 14th my ovulation day was the 28th we had sex that night and I haven’t been on my patch this month because I forgot to refill it so I know I won’t probably get my period this week like I’m supposed too if I would’ve stayed on top of my bc. But on the 4th of this month I started cramping out of no where and I had a lot of discharge and so I automatically took a test and it was negative I cried I want another baby so bad my sons going to be 2 soon and he’s starting to get lonely but anyway a couple days go by I’m still cramping and having discharge I took another test it was negative today I went to the doctor it’s been 6 days of this cramping there’s no itching or burning when I pee. Bowel movements are normal, no fevers, we did a blood test today and that test came out negative too so I have an ultrasound appointment on the 22nd and I’m freaking out my grandma passed away from ovarian cancer, high blood pressure runs in the family, I don’t get periods unless I’m in bc, what if I go in on the 22nd and told I can’t have anymore kids? I don’t think I could handle hearing that. Also I’ve gained 40lbs since I had my son and so we tested for PCOS or POCS however you wanna put it. And my levels were normal but they were on the higher side of normal and that also really scares me. I’ve tried to lose weight and it just doesn’t seem to budge. So please any ideas or tips to help me have another baby I would greatly appreciate it or even just some prayers and words of encouragement would be nice I’ve been so down lately because of all of this.. I just want another baby so bad and so does my fiancé 😔 please lady’s anything would greatly help me