Normal or ?

My ex & I decided that we needed to break up. We were at each other’s throats and never got any resolve no matter how long or how often we discussed the issues. It wasn’t a bad breakup. It was very emotional really. We are both extremely stubborn. We’ve both been through some shitty stuff in our lives and are just learning to find life after that. Anywho the last couple convos we’ve had have been weird. We’re cordial. Like we’re not mad at each other. I think we’re both trying to adjust and accept reality. But after each convo i feel hollow. I still feel empty. And he just text me and said he felt very incomplete after our last convo and that he felt there was still something there he just wasn’t sure what just yet. I’m not sure what any of that that means. I care for him with no doubts but I’m like is this just a normal part of breaking up? Are we both just going thru the motions or did we end this & lose out on our happy ever after?