Do you think love is a trap?

I’m married and I am pregnant, 10 weeks now. Husband is in the military and we just got our own place two months ago. He treats me like crap though. I don’t have a job yet because no one wants to hire me. Applied at 20 different places. Tells me he’s old fashioned ,he thinks he has power and control over me. This was never talked about before we got married. He jokes around and calls me fat/ugly/bitch. He tells me I’m to sensitive every time I cry. BUT he knew this from beginning. He doesn’t respect me and whenever I try to have a conversation with him he puts the blame on me. I tried walking out tonight but that didn’t happen but I fucking love him with all my heart. I dealt with a shitty ex and now my husband tells me he is falling out of love with me and he doesn’t find me beautiful like he use too. And it’s because he said we argue a lot. Well shit fuck we wouldn’t argue if you wouldn’t be a child and a dick. The reason why I’m making a poll and I’m talking about love is because I feel like I’m in a trap. Comments about what you think? I love to know. I hate love so much.

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