Relationship problems


I was dealing with my own substance abuse and it ruined my relationship with somebody I absolutely love with all of my being. Now that I've sobered up and am working on my own mental health he still can't forgive me. I never cheated on him, I've never physically hurt him, it's all because when dealing with substance abuse even though i was giving it my hardest, I relapsed a couple times but that's normal when dealing with addiction. It's not going to me easy, especially for somebody who is dealing with the pain I have been. I've been sober off of all drugs and alcohal for 11 days now, and even though it's been the hardest 11 days of my life I've never been more proud of myself. But the thing is, he shows little to know interest in me anymore. We barely talk, we barely see eachtoher and he constantly ignores me. I just wish he could see how hard I'm fighting for him...