I am confused at where my 7 month old is suppose to be with reaching milestones??

So I have been looking all over for where my son is suppose to be averaging milestone wise or at least getting to and everything I read is always a mixture of different things and kind of confusing honestly and I get there is no set order or time frame necessary but guidelines wise I am curious so that I can kind of keep track milestone wise.. but every time I end up just getting frustrated with what everything is saying... so maybe some of you mommas can help a lady out lol... my son can already crawl and pull himself up and balance for about 10 seconds then fall on his butt which I know is a bit ahead for some babies... but verbally I’m struggling to make sure he is where he needs to be.. he babbles but idk what is considered where he should be at he makes his ga sounds and ba and ma sounds as well but other then that just screeches or makes a bunch of other sounds.. but nothing that is true babbling.. he doesn’t mimic when u make a sounds at him but I sometimes find him repeating it later almost like a delayed mimic.. he laughs makes eye contact let’s you know when he’s not happy about something but otherwise he doesn’t do what some of the stuff i read says he’s suppose to be doing such as knowing good bye hello blowing kisses etc... I can’t help but worry and when I bring it up to my pediatrician she doesn’t seem concerned but being a first time mom I feel like I’m doing something wrong.. I try to talk to him as much as I can but sometimes I feel like I forget to talk and just play with him instead and I read to him too idk... I guess I’m just worried I’m not doing enough to help him along verbally and all that... sorry for the long post