Finally got a positive +


After almost 2 years of failed attempts we decided to give <a href="">ivf</a> a go. We went ahead with it and had 10 embryos frozen and decided to go on a holiday before the egg transfer to relax my body and mind. After coming back from holidays we decided we would wait a few more months to do the egg transfer as I just changed jobs. I woke up yesterday feeling so tired and having heaps of cramps and thought it was just your usual period pain. My periods were 6 days late by this stage. It did not cross my mind once that I might be pregnant. Since I already had 3+ pregnancy tests at home, just thought I would give it ago. A few mins later it said YES+! The sign I’ve waited for for sooooo long!

The only thing we didn’t do this time round was try! You know how everyone says it will happen when your not trying (my least favourite saying 😡) it is so true! I did not track my ovulation, I did not lay for 10 mins after intercourse, I did not raise my legs up and did not put a pillow under my butt! Nothing just gave up and was set on the egg transfer we were planning on doing in the new year.

My advice would be to take a holiday, take a break and just relax. God is good and has the perfect plan for everyone.

Baby dust to you all 🙏🏼