Infertility sucks!

I want to tell our story. My husband and I been trying for almost 3 years for a baby. We went to our infertility doctors. We found out that my husband doesn’t have good sperm count and motility. It’s not zero but it is in low level. I have a great reproductive system and good number for hormones. My husband has a infertility problem. I never blame him, not a little bit. My doctor prescribes him, clomid. It supposed to help testosterone level then produce more sperm count and improving sperm motility. He has to take it every day for 3 months. We already planned

<a href="">IUI</a>

in November 2018. This month is my husband’s third month of clomid. I found out that I am pregnant in natural way. I was so shocked and hope this story would help you have a hope. Keep hope and have a faith. ❤️