Grace and mama update

Sam • IVF warrior mama - unexplained infertility + Hashimoto's

I've been in a bit of a haze because anxiety has been kicking my butt. She's a fussier baby (also had reflux whxih made her cry more) and hates sleep with a passion. She cries before every sleep unless I nurse her to sleep but that doesn't always work so it's been a long few months. Things got better around 3 months and keep improving but she still cries before every sleep (nights and naps). So I'm a little fried. Lately I gave up and all naps are nursing naps so she's like this next to me...

She won't take a bottle so I can't leave her and she still wakes up 3-4 times every night. The second half of the night is worse, her first stretch is 4-9 hrs but generally 4-6. We had the sleep regression about 5-6 weeks ago and she was up every 45-90 minutes all night long and took 20-30 min of bouncing to get her back to sleep. So she keeps us on our toes. It's been hard without a doubt but we love her immensely.

She does love walks but won't sleep in her carrier... So here's a fun picture from our walk yesterday