Sleep Question

Lauren. • 28 years old. Happily married since 6/21/14. Loving being a mommy to my 2 amazing daughters!

Ok, so this may seem silly, and even drive some people crazy...but I just want to see if there are other kids that sleep this much, or if it’s concerning. My daughter was a horrible sleeper when she was born, and didn’t regulate till she was about 10ish months old. Now, we’re nearing 2, and she’s such a sleeper. When she’s awake she’s happy, and very active, and usually eats well (though the last few weeks she’s been picky, but I think she’s just too busy to take a break). She typically goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:30 depending on the day, and sleeps till 10:30 easily (sometimes she wakes in the middle of the night, but that’s only when we’re having a rough week). Then she will nap 1-3 hours depending on the day. That’s SOOOO much sleep. I love that she sleeps well, and my mommy intuition just thinks she needs the sleep since she’s so active. But I still worry. We checked her iron levels back at 14ish months and they were fine, and we have her well child check soon and I’ll ask the pediatrician. I just wanted to hear from some moms.