My little 34 weeker

Jaime • Mommy to two beautiful baby boys and three angels and one more little bundle on the way ♥️💕♥️

So after my last son was born at 36 weeks I was on Makena shot once a week went into preterm labor several different times. But this time was different I started bleeding Friday they couldn’t find the cause. Then found out I was sitting at 4 cm dilated! Monday came I started contractions they lasted until Tuesday. Wednesday morning at 8:30 am my water broke and come to find out I had a placenta abruption. Got to the hospital at 10 still wasn’t having contractions but there wasn’t a doubt in anyone’s mind that my water broke. Started Pitocin, antibiotics, and fluids. He came very fast and very hard. He is breathing on his own no complications with breathing. He is maintaining his sugars! He wasn’t holding body temp very well after he was born but since he has been in the incubator only comes out to eat temps have become steady. He is being fed through a feeding tube every 3 hours but his last feed he also cued to breastfeed! He latched and was sucking without any problems!!

How long did your 34 weeker have to stay in the NICU?!