Round 2:

Jeanne • PCOS 💔🌈💙💔🌈💖💔🌈🩷💔🌈🩵 MC, 7 rainbow son, MC, 4 rainbow daughter, MC, almost 2 rainbow daughter, MC, boy C-section 2/26/24!

Last menses 9/25/18; Metformin 2/day; Menopur 2, 2.5, 2; Ovidrel 250mg on 9/9/18; timed/daily intercourse with preseed; progesterone inserts.

Last check on 9/8 found 3 follicles: 18, 14, 10 ish. Dr was hoping the 10 wouldn’t take as triplets would exponentially increase the dangers.

Not feeling super hopeful on this cycle anyway.