Eye opener -Long post

Vanity • Married mother of 3.

My daughter (who’s the oldest at 9 years old) has always been called “sensitive” by other people, which is in fact so different from me. She really gets bothered when people aren’t treated fairly, she makes it a point to befriend a new kids in class and she ALWAYS wants everyone to feel and be included. She’s lost some friends along the way because the parents have told me that she’s “so sensitive” and the mama bear I am I steer her away from that child. I don’t want her to lose who she is because of what others think or feel. Okay now that you have some background I’ll begin.

Yesterday my kids went to the dentist and my son (8 years old) had to have a baby tooth extracted. He took it like a champ, under nitrous of course but none the less he did really well. The dental assistant washed and packed his tooth in a bag for him to take home and happily says to him “here you go! Take it home so you can put it under your pillow so the tooth fairy can leave you some money” [insert 27 week pregnant mom eye roll here]

Grateful this office took such great care of my kids we leave and finish our day up. Well night time comes, my son puts his tooth under his pillow and like any other busy mom i search high and low for a few dollars lying around. Cool! I find $3!! Now I’m trying to stay awake to leave it under his pillow. Okay I’m the worst I fall asleep but I set my alarm a little earlier every morning than the time I wake them up for school. I sneak in my kids room like the grinch with my $3 in hand.

I look under his pillow and what do I see? Two notes, a $1 bill and his tooth. So I grab the tooth leave the $3 and run out the room as quietly as I can! I leave the notes so he can read them when he wakes up.

To my surprise my daughter had pretended to be his tooth fairy!!

She wrote him the funniest cutest letter I’ve ever seen! I even cried when I read it!! I was so proud of her and filled with so much joy because she wanted nothing in return just to make someone else happy. She took the time to make these notes and give him her very own dollar! I also got a good little chuckle out of her knowing the tooth fairy isn’t real and having little to no faith in her good old mom to be the tooth fairy last night 😂😂

I had such a proud mom moment and I’ve been smiling from ear to ear today! I’m beaming and i just wanted to share this with you all to remember to be kind and generous to other people even when you think no one is watching. 😊😊

*I’m crying again!!*