Is it okay to be angry about this?

Shiely • Mommy to one little rainbow🌈❤ Born on her daddy's birthday❤

So I've been wanting to shave my head for quite a while now, like a couple years now, and I finally got the balls to do it this weekend. I've been hyping myself up on Snapchat and on here about it for the past couple days. Well last night my friend asked me to wait to do it until after her wedding because I'm a brides maid in it. Her wedding is October 19th and I would completely understand . . . If it were this year. But her wedding isn't until October 19th of NEXT year. I tried to reason with her that I can always buy a wig if I need to and my hair does grow pretty quickly and it would probably be about at my shoulders by that time next year but she is dead set on me not doing it until after her wedding next year. Is it okay for me to be mad about this? I'd understand if it was for religious reasons or something but she isn't religious and doesn't go to church or anything. What do you guys think?

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