My baby is so boring


My son was awesome. Typical fun normal happy baby. Swatting at toys at 2 months, playing & chewing on toys at 3 months, rolling, talking during tummy time once he got used to it. My daughter has been complete opposite. I thought by now she'd be better. Still hates tummy time. Will just lay there and scream so won't work her muscles at all. Zero interest at all in toys. Just wants me to hold her or she will scream non stop. I've tried making tummy time fun(mirrors, musical toys, me, boppy pillow & tummy time pillow for support)and longer stretches every day, but no improvement. Cries not even 30 seconds into it. She'll be 3 months tomorrow. I can't lay her on her playmat to play while I do something at any time more than a few minutes. I've had to let her cry it out numerous times to take care of my 2 year old and myself (eat, go to the bathroom) It's so frustrating. Thought she'd be entertaining herself a little by this time but nope. This is just a vent cause I've tried everything already and just have to accept this is the way she is and will most likely be behind developmentally 🙁 She was a week early but I doubt that has anything to do with it. She's always been a cranky baby. Atleast she does smile, coo and interact with us while being held. Oh yeah, she also doesn't care at all for music or sounds. I need to clone myself.