I need prayers for my little baby


I went to see my doctor for my 9 weeks 4 days check and all looked great. My baby was active, HR 179, the subchorionic hematoma was totally gone and I was given the clear that everything was excellent. Before we got home we picked up a poutine for me and s burger for my husband to celebrate the great news. I had a MC March 1 2017 and April 9 2018 both lost at 5 weeks so we were thrilled. I sat in the couch and watched a movie and went to use the facilities. Before I sat in the toilet there was a hush of blood that came out and I started to wipe and it was red blood. I freaked and jumped in the shower and noticed that I wasn’t bleeding, I have no pain or cramps. So I went to sleep, when I woke up I called my doctor and due to lack of space he booked me for Monday for an ultrasound and checkup. I have prayed for my baby and so far I have are the regular hip discomfort and my belly feels a bit swollen.

I only ask for your prayers for my little baby please. If you can spare a moment to think of us I will forever be thankful.