Fml so hurt

So...I'm due October 20th one week from today and the man I have been seeing and father of our first son walked out AGAIN on me last night, all because I was venting to him about the neighbors being loud as hell at 3am while I was trying to sleep (I'm still currently working full time and a full time mother to 2 little girls) and he got mad and told me to quit talking to him and of course I kept asking him why he was mad at me and he just kept getting more frustrated, and smacked me upside my head hard as shit with a pillow and told me to quit f'n talking to him....then balled his fist like he was going to hit then I called his mother who seems to be the only one to calm him and told him he needed to go to her house before it got physical...well he packed all his stuff and even pillows, a tv he was letting my girls use in their room and said "I'm done do not contact me or my family at all period, when the baby is here do not contact me or them I don't care I'm done on my daddy's grave" so my question now is? I notify him when his son is here or I go in labor or just woman up and say f him and do what I need to alone with my mom:( it sucks cause we had all these plans to have a family and he had 2 sons before this with 2 other relationships that came back NOT his per DNA. so it sucks 2 births he did go to and 2 little boys out there carrying his name and ain't even his and yet here I am carrying our first son having to go thru this bs 🤦🏻‍♀️ advice please ? This isn't the first time from the beginning we get into it occasionally where he feels he can run to his moms whenever shit gets rocky, as for me I have my own house so I just sit here and dwell on it and I'm already emotional this just sucks...