I just gotta vent!!

My hubby makes me so mad sometimes!!! I’m a sahm, which I love, but there are some weeks that are rough. I get almost no adult conversation outside of hubs, & so I can feel a little stir crazy after a while. I keep our house tidy, laundry done, dinner on the table when he gets home from work, kids cleaned & happy, & groceries in the fridge. Yet, he has the audacity to gripe at me on the weekends that I haven’t been able to finish laundry, or grocery shop, or clean up the house. Like this week. I had a dr appointment everyday for one of the kids. Literally. I wasn’t home but about 2 hours a day, which I spent most of that time either trying to catch up on house work, or cooking. I’m tired today, & since I’ve got huge responsibilities for our community center this afternoon, I was hoping to just chill with him & the kids. Instead, he’s gritched from the second he got up this morning that I didn’t get the clean clothes put away, the dishes from last night weren’t unloaded from the dishwasher, I hadn’t vacuumed since Monday so the carpets are needing cleaned, & I hadn’t had time to take the recycling out. He started throwing my clothes all over furniture instead of walking 50 feet to put them in the closet (they were hanging in the laundry room, which wasn’t hurting anything). Then he asked me what the hell I’d done this week, the house is a mess. First of all, screw you! Second of all, I think the health of our kids is more important than having a perfectly cleaned home 24/7. And seriously, I’m pissed. Then he gets mad that I’m mad. Like, really?! You bitch about me & don’t expect me to get ticked?! I am in serious need of some nice adult time. And even tho I love him, I wanna just punch him sometimes. This isn’t the first time he’s done this, either. I was sick with the flu 3 weeks ago, & he griped at me that weekend, too. I told him it makes me feel super unappreciated when he acts like I’m a lazy ass wife/mom after having a week like this, & he said well, if the shoe fits. Oh, & you’re so perfect, you Jack ass. You come home from work & want all of us to leave you alone so you can unwind. When do I get to unwind?! Never. Or after the kids are asleep. And then I’m usually still cleaning or laundry or satisfying whatever you think needs done right then. He threatened to make me go back to work if I’m not going to keep stuff done, so I asked him if he’d be willing to help more if I did, & he said he does enough. I’m like if you think I don’t keep up with it all now, how the hell am I supposed to if I’m working full time? He finally shut up. Okay, now that it’s out of my system, I’ll be ok until he realizes he’s been a dick & apologizes. It usually only takes about an hour lol