It’s worth it...It’s worth it....


So I’m 11w3d and up until the last 48 hrs I had started to feel pretty damn good! Had my follow up OB appt, all my bloodwork looked good and I’m cleared for another 4 weeks. Well....I decided to get my flu shot. I’ve always gotten it and that wasn’t going to change now that I’m pregnant. BUT! I’m one of those that have what my doc likes to call a “robust immune response”. 🤢 Doesn’t change my stance on the shot because I know it’s best for my health to feel crappy for 48 hrs than 2.5 weeks of death warmed over. I get the low grade fever, muscle aches, on and so forth. Well WHOO BOY! It has hit me soooo much harder this go around. I’m as weak as water, my head is pounding, and I feel like 💩. So, I’m spending the day on the sofa vegged out. Meanwhile it’s gorgeously sunny and 74 outside 😭 All I can keep telling myself is that it’s worth it for me and little bean.