So devistated


Okay so went in yesterday to my local women's center because me and my hubby have been TTC for about 14 months no with no luck

And I've had this rare type of blood dissorder that causes my blood to clot that nobody has ever seen. Im only 26 and have had 4 different blood clots since i was 19. So I take eliquis daily. Then she immediately said " it would be way too risky for someone with your dissorder to get pregnant and deliver a child. She refused to even give me any medication to help me concieve. My heart sank. I have been wanting a family my whole life and 14 months ago when my husband said he was ready I was sooo happy. Now to just have this all ripped away is so depressing.

Has anyone else had a blood clotting dissorder and had a safe pregnancy and delivery? Should I see another gyno? Please anyone help? I also do not have enough money to do surrogate or anything of that nature. Any help is appreciated! Thanks ladies!