Mending a relationship after a fight.

My SO and I just got over a 3 day fight. We fought for one day but it took him 2 days to process it and finally meet up with me and work it all out.

He said that I should trust him and that he’s a “free spirit” and he enjoys making connections with people, even women.

Not like sexual connections or cheating wise.

He just said he doesn’t want me to freak out anymore and that if I freak out and cuss him out again (I’ve only done it once and never have before in any other relationship) that he is DONE for good.

I told him I didn’t want to be threatened with being left- he reassured me that he just meant he doesn’t want it to happen again.

We were talking about having babies and moving in together before this whole this happened.

We are fine now but I can tell he is hesitant. He was really into me before and says he’s still in love with me.

I know I need to prove to him that I’m not going to start stupid fights anymore and actually communicate things to him instead.

Can any of you give me any tips?

I know not to be clingy and to let it fall back to how it was before.