Vbac? Thoughts or experiences please!!

Kayla • 25// Mother of two rotten little boy / two babies in heaven // 1 baby girl // married to the love of my life for 6 years ❤❤

Hello lady's , let me first start with why I'm posting this. I have a new doctor that specializes in Vbac.

Well that's great but i had never heard of it prior to this doctor. On June 22, 2016 I had a cesarean section for my little boy... For reasons my new doctors sees as ridiculous. I was in labor for over 14 hours before I said yes to the epidural, which was a awful experience in its self, as I have a slight curve in my back and I had warned the man doing my epidural about it , he felt of my back said I feel it and next thing I know without numbing ect he was sticking the meddle in my back right in that curve and like rolling the needle till you heard a very loud pop and he finally said it was in.

Fast forward I was 5cm at the time I got the epidural , in two hours I told the nurse I felt times of pressure and needed to poop, she checked me and said I was 9cm but I could no push period and said she would get my doctor. Mind you I only saw her once in these 14 hours , she comes in checks me about an hour later and says baby is arm first , and I've gone from a 9 to 5cm again that it was either c-action or baby dies... So I did the c-secrion

Fast forward three days and she's checking me before discharging me , I told her I was swollen , red and hot to the touch all threw my lady bits .. She said normal trama & sent me home ... Five days later I was so miserable I went to her office had to basically yell at people to be seen and when I was she took one look and said I was extremely infected and had cut me open agian ... I was packed for 8 weeks by my mother in law ...

So , I'm horrified of this new pregnancy... And the outcome .. My new doctor says i am perfectly healthy to try vbac but I keep panicking and thinking of the worst possibilities just like my c-section ...

If anyone has had experiences or knows more about vbac please please share !!!

My c-section baby boy !💙

Newest pregnancy, 9weeks