My husband gave me my Lovenox injection 😂

Ok so I’m 9 weeks pregnant I have MTHFR gene mutation. My dr put me on Lovenox injections until after I deliver my baby. I was standing in my bathroom staring at the syringe, he walks in and said “uhh 😳 what you doing”? I said well, today is my first dose, and I’m scared lol 😂 I said will you help me? He said no and ran out 🤦🏽‍♀️ lol I walked behind him and said “please I’m really scared” he said “I can’t do it, I’m scared of needles”. Mind you he has his his arms tattooed from his shoulder to his wrist lol 😂 I said but I’m scared I can’t do I I rather you do it. You probably wouldn’t mind sticking me anyway 😂 he said “I’m scared to shoot you” I said please lol he said ok fine come on. We get to the bathroom, I cleaned the area I wanted him to stick me, and I turned around and leaned against the wall. I showed him how to hold it and told him what to do. I turned around he said “are you ready”? I said no but do it anyway. He said “stop moving” I said I’m not moving 😂😂 just do it already and he said “I did”. I said no way?! You did?! Let me see! And sure enough the needle was out, empty and the safety cover was on. I said well damn 😂 he then said “I should be a doctor” lol 😂 yet you were scared to shoot me 😂🤦🏽‍♀️