Have to get a Biopsy

Katalina • I’m in love with this man whom I am marrying in one year! and I am happy and having his child and honestly we couldn’t have made a better decision in our lives❤️But the conversations are worth while too 👌

Hey y’all. So I had went in for a left boob ultrasound due to having a abnormally large lump in that side. When I had gone in, they concluded it was possible a cyst. But on Saturday they called me and told me they had more doctors analyze it and explained to me that it looks a little too “foggy” and that can usually mean cancerous, but it’s not foggy enough to conclude that it’s that so they highly advised for me to schedule a biopsy to find out what it is and to see if it will cause any problems in the future. At first I was totally against it and found it really unnecessary since it could effect my breast feeding later on but my husband convinced me otherwise and told me it’s only for my best. So this coming Thursday I’ll be getting my biopsy and would love just some positive vibes and prayers sent my way, hoping that there’s nothing wrong and that it’s not cancerous. And most importantly, that I can heal, not have to take any other measures of precaution on my left breast, and be able to breast feed easily 🙏🏻❤️ if anyone has had this happen to them during their pregnancy, would love to know how it went for you.