Social media and your life - opinions?


My husband and I both have a Facebook and Google + account. We do not "live" our lives on them. A funny/interesting video here, a happy birthday to old friend, etc. Rarely is there a rant or a post about something actually going on in our lives. Our anniversary was 2 days ago. While I meant to post a time hop or wedding photo, I didn't get around to it, but I told him personally ILU and how important he is,etc. My mom did post a picture, wished us happy anniversary, and tagged us. My questions are

- am I in the right for being upset with her? It seemed very vain because she is notified of all the comments, likes, etc

- we are ttc, and i wanted to know has anyone put the lock down on grandparents posting Announcements, ultrasound pics, birth stats, or even first baby pics?