Can God bring a former couple back together? (Super long sorry)


Ok ladies here’s the deal. My ex broke up with me at the end of April. We did the whole no contact/awkwardness stage. But we have the same best friend(also his roommate) and I babysit/ hang out with her a lot. And he was there when I found out my dad died. So after that we get to the point where we’re friends again.

He went to Arizona about a month ago, to see a preacher he likes speak. After this, he started acting really weird around me. Then he went to his hometown to supposedly ask some girls family if he could date her. So I let it go. But he doesn’t show any evidence of being taken, and has been acting really weird/flirty around me. But I don’t want to bring it up because I don’t want things to be weird. Our lives are too entintwined with all the ministries and the friend to afford that.

Then yesterday I was babysitting and he brought me Sonic out of nowhere. Whatever I’m not gonna say no to a cherry limeade. I heard one of the girls start crying so I go to check on them. I had to scoot past him sitting at the kitchen table and he goes “oh sorry” and puts his hand on the small of my back- basically by my butt!! This was the kicker for me that maybe something is going on.

Other examples

•wanting to show off his new car/drive me to a far away student ministry event in it(my car is fine btw)

•Being super protective of me(“who do I need to fight?” Type stuff)

•talking to me about money(how much his raise was, how he can now do whatever he wants bc he paid off his credit cards, saying he’s going back to NYC-my Dream- and saying he’d take me too, talking about his heat credit that let him get whatever car he wanted)

•being super close to me physically whenever possible/random touching(not counting the above scenario)

•when we pray during pre church meetings, grabbing my hand tight and squeezing as the prayer ends(which he did when we were together)

•saying how he talked to his mom about “everything that’s been going on” with no further explanation.

•being SUPER worried that my little brother hated him when they saw each other at church

•I left his house bc he was sleeping and friend was going to the store. He said if I’d stayed he would’ve put a blanket on me or moved me to friend’s bed

•friends kids (5&3) keep asking about our relationship status(despite being broken up for like 6 months) and saying “(name) wants you to be his gf again” and chanting “(name)’s gf!” whenever I babysit

What do I do?? At this point I want to know more so that either way things can get cleared up for the sake of our various ministries/colleagues. But I know that as a Christian girl I shouldn’t have to be the one initiating these conversations.