Why was he always trying to get my attention for YEARS?!

So when I was 13 I moved to Pennsylvania, This was 18 years ago. The neighbor boy dropped his basketball came up to me said “Are you 16 too?” I lied said yes 🤷🏽‍♀️

come on he was hot!

But my dad was like NO SHE IS NOT! Iol anyways as we were neighbors he would flick his light on and off in his bedroom to try to get my attention I ignored it... when I got a bit older he’d get naked in front of the window often and I ignored it every time .... one day I heard his mom yell “Sean leave her alone she is too young for you!!!” I never found out was that convo was about. If he saw me outside he’d show off 🤷🏽‍♀️

Fast forward to when I was 23 - (10 years later) I’m leaving my dads house he took off in his truck and met me by the end of the street... confused shocked I had dreamt of this moment for a long time Iol we hooked up and became FWB for a year. I ended up ghosting him for 7 years. Simply because one day I texted...

Me hey can we talk

Him I know...you love me

Me ummmm

Blocked his #

Anyways he saw me one day at the dollar store last year he stroked my arm. He said I’ve been texting.....you have the same number? I said of course 😪

What he didn’t know was I blocked his #

Anyways at age 31. And 8 months after seeing him at the dollar store I decided I’d reach out and we decided we would be FWBs again.

He said if I left he’d be sad

How he wishes we’d had hooked up sooner rather than later

How he never wants this to end and he will never be done w me.

How he thought when we were kids he thought I wasn’t interested in him as he felt I was too good looking and I said I felt the same.

I even discussed w him about my first love and how we all have one he replied YEPPER!!!!!

How he would get upset if I mentioned I’d like a 2nd FWB now he doesn’t care if I have another he used to care 😐😐


6 months into this and after a couple arguments about me wanting to end the FWB and than deciding I didn’t want too...and I wanted to stay

He seems more distant now 😪 probably because he’s busy I hope... idk

Anyways why do you think he was chasing my tail for years?

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