
So I’m trying to make a huge decision and I need some advice and input. Currently I am pre med. I have 2 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, and between 3-7 years of post grad training to become a practicing doctor. I have been leaning towards anesthesiology. My problem is I want a family and I’ve always wanted to have kids younger. With all this schooling, there’s no good time to have kids and if I wait until I’m done with schooling I’ll be over 30 which I just something I personally don’t want. I also want to just start life in general. Medical school and residency is brutal and doesn’t give much time for anything else. I’m thinking of switching to nursing and then later on pursuing becoming a nurse anesthetist or nurse practitioner. What are yalls thoughts?

EDIT: thanks guys, I just had a bit of a mental breakdown and I think that’s just gonna happen sometimes. I want to be a doctor more than anything in the world, so that is what I’ll do! (: