I need sleep😴

Katie • My name is Kate and I just gave birth to our beautiful daughter February 17th 2016. She is our world and we couldn`t feel anymore blessed❤ I am currently pregnant with our July 2018 baby!

My LO will be 12 weeks on Friday...ugh I hate it lol anyway it seems like for the last two weeks shes been eating non stop every 2-2.5 hours. She just last week started to do her only 4ish hours from 7:30-1130 again...most of which Im awake for. Then shes up every two hours after that 😣 I have one bad sleeper and Im praying this one is better. She naps during the day pretty well with her morning being the longest at 2 hours but usually my toddler wakes her up through the day😒 Im dying for a longer stretch. Are there any tips or tricks or advice? I know shes still quite small I just figured Id ask. I want to start getting her used to her crib but I legit zombie walk every 2 hours and then end up brining her in our room in the rock n play (usually I dont remeber doing this so I stopped) I need some sleep😴