Stressing out! Help!

Hi Ladies! I didn't know where to post my questions but I figured December moms could help me figure this out. So, four months ago I applied for a job at a hospital. I didn't know I was pregnant back then. On Monday, I received a called (from the hospital that I had applied) to confirmed an interview for Tuesday, which I attended. On Friday, I received a called saying I got the job and if I accept it. I was so happy that I said "yes," because I been looking forward to work in a hospital to keep working on my future RN career. I start working in a week. My future employer doesn't know that I'm pregnant and that I'm halfway through my pregnancy. I have to get a physical exam done in a week. Would it show in the physical exam results that I'm pregnant? Should I tell them before I sign any paperwork? Would they be upset? Will I lose the job offer? What should I do? I'm stressing out. I really want that job.