Acetaminophen messing with blood sugar levels??

Monica • 💖My precious daughter💖💖 December 17th 2018. 💖

I am getting sick with a cold I assume ... Congested... Sort throat nasal drip... Itchy throat.... Etc.. So I took a acetaminophen pill yesterday before leaving the house to reduce my symptoms... Since its one of the only safe pills to take during pregnancy..(im 30 weeks) And I ate something I eat often that has never spiked my sugar its always perfectly fine.. I test my sugar and it was high!! 180 after two hours... I then read that acetaminophen can spike blood glucose levels and can cause inaccurate readings as well.. Curious as to if anyone else took this medicine and had high numbers or anything like this happen. I have never gotten past a 145 after eating. I dont take any medicine for my gestational diabetes im just diet controlled and have had no issues... Except this now. :/ not sure what medicine to take if i cant even take that. I feel like crap!!!