Obsessed with mommy

Hayden • Mother to a beautiful little girl 🎀 and an angel 👼

My daughter is 15 weeks old and since day one she’s been super attached to me. I exclusively breastfeed which is part of the issue I think. She hardly lets her dad hold her, let alone anybody else! It’s exhausting for me! She will usually play in her swing for 10 min or so but then she wants me to come get her. She refuses to nap anywhere but my arms. And it seems to be getting worse. She used to sleep at night in her bassinet but the last week or so she will only sleep with me. I have tried it all. Crying it out doesn’t work. She screams until she throws up. I’ve tried dark rooms, mobiles, white noise, swaddling, no swaddling, gas drops, crib... the works. I literally can’t get anything done around the house. She doesn’t like baby wearing so that’s not an option. I love her more than life itself but sometimes I want just a few hours to myself at the end of the day. I’ve also tried putting her down drowsy to see if she would put herself to sleep. Doesn’t work. She will realize what’s going on and start crying. Anybody else deal with this??