Goodbye to my gummy bear

peaches • Mom of 7, #8 miscarried was due May `19 rainbow baby due june 2020

Found out about you near the end of aug. 17th Sept I saw you and your heart beat. 9 days later I spotted with cramps but was told not to worry. 11 days later I felt most symptoms going. 13 days later symptoms came back but then more spotting and cramps. 15 days later they tell me you are no longer in there, just a yolk and gestational sac. 17 days later I go for a second option but you were still not there. 21 days later went for another sonogram because I really wanted to believe you were hiding or I miss calculated my dates and you were smaller; not even. You were completely gone, just a gestational sac which has started to collapse. 24 days later I made my decision and took the pill to push you free. Pain and one small clot so I figured it didn't work. Next day back at the doctors for second dose. Didn't do anything. Brown spotting and brown small clots throughout the weekend. Today light period type but i feel yoy not here. Today went for my sonogram and everything was clear. Confirmed that you are truly gone. She says that when you reabsorbed back into my body and everything collapsed there wasn't really anything there to expel from my body. I can't believe you are really gone. I wish your siblings could have gotten to know you. I will love you always I hope you know this.
