Slight depression? 11.5 week along with #2.


First off, I’m safe! No worries here. I was happy when I got pregnant (planned) but within the first few weeks I wasn’t happy at all to be pregnant. Just scared.

Now the happiness is back (hormones are crazy) but I’m having depressive symptoms. Lack of interest in things, difficultly staying active. The thing is, even though I’ve had IBS like pain, a few headaches and just feeling icky, I’m not sick much at all. So it’s not morning sickness that’s getting to me. Or maybe it is, but a different kind of sickness? I’m also losing weight despite eating enough so that’s a little weird! I’m at a healthy BMI but I was about 10 pounds heavier than when I got pregnant with my son. I think I’ve lost about 4 pounds so nothing abnormal or alarming.

Idk. When I was pregnant with my son I was working outside the house and despite constant nausea I was a LOT happier. I think being a work from home mom with a toddler on top of feeling off is getting to me. It’s hot where I live so getting outside is really hard because I feel faint when I’m outside long.

Anyway, I’m just ready to feel better and for the weather to cool down so I can be active again. Get some fresh air. I’m feeling pretty lonely and I’m sure that’s adding to things.

I loved being pregnant with my son but I just want this baby here already! I wanted to really enjoy this because it’ll be my last baby but man, oh man, am I ready for this to be over 😅

Hopefully I’m not alone in this, although this kind of sucks so I’m alright if no one feels this way too. Just needed to get these feelings off my chest!

Thanks for reading if you did. I’m considering taking up a monthly therapy session just to keep me grounded. I hope you ladies are doing better than I am!! 💕